The Welcome Mat

Welcome to this Blog. Hopefully you may find it of use (i doubt it but it doesnt stop me hoping does it?). All my skills are normally self taught, and at the moment i'm a lone ranger when it comes to my layout with the occasional help from friends (normally it involves alot heckling).

I've never yet got a layout really past the electrics stage. I normally lose interest which is why i've decided to become involved in lots of things so i can vary my time between different things. All the work you see on Westleigh is my own work and all the photos you see on my fotopic sites are again my own work. I'm amazed i havent started to play with it, perhaps leaving the vast majoirty of the wiring to the end helps.

My main interest in railways is principally the early 90s. Even though i only just got into double figures in terms of age just as privitisation came in, i find it a very interesting period. My earliest memories were at Salisbury, Oxford and Bristol. So to counteract this aswell i tend to model the northwest scene during 1990 to 1994. However i also do the Wessex area during the same period and the scottish lowlands during 1988-1990.

I do have a little interest in the 1996-1998 privitisation period. I'm more aware of this period than the sectorisation period and again i wouldnt mind if it turned into this era.

I also am working on a project of Devizes station in 1963/64 just before alot of the line was rationalised and eventually closed. This however is a very very long term project and probably wont get anyway for many many years yet.

I do spend alot of time in the summer out an about doing photography particularly of civil jet aircraft. I'm certainly no David Bailey but i'm reasonably proud of most of the photos taken.

Anyway i suppose i really should get off the computer and get on with some modelling work, except work has a tendancy to get in the way!

Monday, 1 February 2010

Setting things in stone (WR)

Another cold and dark day draws to a close over North Bristol. Its at times like this i tend to reflect on things and the thing that i have chosen today is the fiction behind this layout.
I felt that perhaps the old fiction was a little weak. I had planned to include a WRD but this seemed unlikely so with aid of a modellers license i chose to locate the WRD just off scene on the other side of the scenic break/road bridge. To add to this i made sure that it was only accessible one way. This in theory has meant i could run virtually any time of wagon in any formation.

However i also wanted to create a freight only branch line so again i used the same principle in that trains needed to run round the only place being the station area. After alot of thought it was centred on a Cement Works and a Nuclear flask depot. Essentially with this i can run 4 different trains. Obviously the nuclear flask would remain fairly static but the cement works could receive train loads of coal in both HAA and HEA hoppers and send out going supplies of Cement in PCAs and also in bagged form using normal vans. This simple idea has almost given me some excuse to get away with more or less anything. It also means that the current sidings on the layout can be used for wagon berthing, unit stabling and loco stabling. I prefer to call them my get out of jail sidings as no matter what they will come in handy.

The last two freights to mention are engineers which will use the sidings next to the station and also fuel oil feeder trips which will drop one or two TTAs in the head-shunt to unload fuel.

The loco hauled train has also been sorted in how it will operate. It will pull in and unload, then move the train back slightly so it can run round. Once run round it will propel the stock back to the buffers so it clears the entry point. I'm told this is quite realistic for many stations.

And talking of stations I've come up with an option for the station building. Why not make it so the building is being rebuilt. Therefore i don't really need a building. Also if the extender board is NOT used i don't really need the station building at all. I could just pretend its off scene. This would work in the short term although i would like to do in the longer term. It just this way it doesn't hold up construction work anymore.

And another link into construction work. The polyfilla i put down has more or less dried so i can now being sanding it back. I suspect it will still not be perfect this time but its getting better so i hope most of it adequate.

Anyway enough for now.

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