Its been a while but i carried out the first work on the layout today for a while. The dynamis unit IMHO is so much better to use than the powercab i dont know why i didnt use one first.
Anyway i've begun the extention board today so i can run trains through and increase the flexibility. I'm also doing both the fiddle yards while i do this. It can still be operated as a fiddle yard to station but the extra yard i hope should reduce the boredom. Once there is something tangible to show then i will post some piccies. Apart from that its been mainly adding details which i've been meaning to add.
Also while its down to do the fiddle yards i must start the track weathering. Before i do this though i'm taken a sheet of wood laid some old steel sectional track and ballasted it. I will use this to try out various weathering techniques before i start on the layout.
I've also got the uprights for the lighting rig out to see if i can do a front board for the layout. From this i also hope to add the lights which are simple directional lamps from ikea (£3 each when i last got some). These will be wired into one circuit (and checked by a sparky before i plug them in) with a switch mounted on one of the uprights.
All of this work i plan to take the next few months taking me over in to next season and hopefully some show bookings but its still looking very very spartan.